Flipping Homes | Remodeling
We are so ready to get in and start removing walls and ordering cabinets and tiles galore, BUT… I suppose we should be smart about it all and start with architectural plans and maybe, just maybe have a plan in place, right?! Oh ya… and pull permits! We...
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Flipping Homes | Open Houses
The pre-reno open house was a success! It was so fun to meet many of the great neighbors in the area and explain my vision for the Oliver house! We had a nice turn out for family and friends as well, despite the freezing temps in November. What happened to our...
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Open Houses
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Flipping Homes | Remodeling
Welcome to Oliver Avenue South; Our newest remodel project! The Oliver house was built in 1945 and is such diamond in the rough! I am so excited to get my hands dirty with this one. When we are completed (hopefully spring 2019) it will be a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom...
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Flipping Homes | Remodeling
We lucked out with this one! A high school friend of my business partners grew up in this 1600 sq. ft South Minneapolis house and they wanted to sell it. They contacted her to help get it ready to list but mentioned that it may be a good house to flip since it had...
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Flipping Homes
I am not going to go on like I am an expert by any means, but I want to share with you what I have found to be helpful when finding a house to flip. Figure out how you are going to finance this new adventure Banks don’t like to loan you the money on a flip. ...
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